Saturday, December 1, 2007

Healthy Vs. Instant Satisfaction

A customer came to the coffee shop today wondering if she should get a cookie or a rice crispy.
A rice crispy bar would be healthy, but the cookie would provide instant satisfaction. She reaches out her hand and grabs the cookie.
This is how all human brain functions. Why bother worrying about what's healthy in the long run? If he/she/it can satisfy my current needs and desires, why should I suffer the pain of waiting/separation for my future's sake? If I never satisfy my current needs to the day I die, when will I ever be satisfied then? Why do I wanna quit smoking if I love it so much? Why do I wanna keep ignoring him if it's making me suffer in the inside? Why should I choose to do my hw if I don't wanna do it? Why do I wanna go to class when I can sleep all day? Why should we break up for our future's sake if we love each other so deeply?

What would u like sir, a long term health or an instant dose of satisfaction?

Cabbage Wabbage


Benjamin Kasper said...

"A man is hooked up to electrodes and given a buzzer to set it off. Every time he sets it off he derives pleasure from it, but every time he does it he runs the risk of a stroke." What does he do? He fries himself, but dies with a smile on his face. That is human nature for ya. What do you think?

YeeLing said...

alo jie szeling! yeeling can post comment too :D yay!

hm jie szeling write very interesting things :D!

hm yeeling think that if someone chooses the "instant satisfaction", he/she will suffer the consequences...and that, yeeling thinks, is worse than dealing with something that is healthy but not satisfying. but i guess it depends cuz some may think that the "instant satisfaction" is worth the pain and consequences that comes later.

wouldnt it be nice though, if the 'something' is both healthy and gives instant satisfaction? ^^