Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Beautiful One

Let me kiss away each drop of bitter tears.
I love you.
May you see the sun today.
Wishing I can hold you closer.
Embrace you all day.
Till the pain vanishes
And leaves you nothing else but the taste of freedom.

Ah, my sweet love!
Hope. Let us hope.
That this sick world will begin to heal.
Living can be painful.
But the key to unlock the sweetness is in our hands.
My love.
Let me battle with you.
We are the source of each other's strength.

Let us not lose to the world.

Look beyond what seems impossible.

We can.
Because the Father is on our side.
He didn't make us to be self-destructive.
Nor to leave us abandoned in a chaotic world.
The power that He has given in us surpasses what we think we can.
Look beyond.

I believe.

Cabbage Wabbage

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