Saturday, April 25, 2009


I've come to realize that my voice tells me more than I thought it was capable of.
It sounds crazy but I really do think that to become a classical musician, you must say "I do" to your instrument.

Your voice becomes your top priority once you respond to its calling.
As my teacher once taught me, it is a very jealous master.
In order to perform it in its most stunning being, it requires your utmost attention.
Be a servant to the voice, but never a slave.

Isn't it interesting? And people wonder why classical musicians deserve to be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We shed blood each time we perform. We give away a part of ourselves.

I don't know if I can represent all the musicians out there. But I know that each time I perform, I want the listeners to love the piece as much as I do.
Each time perform, I want listeners to enter the realm where I live.
Each time I sing, I want them to remember the life beyond what we can see and touch.
I want them to hear, to feel, to smell the piece the way I do.

Yea...I know. We're all crazy people. I rather not spend time on this blog trying to justify my insanity.

So, good bye for now.

Cabbage Wabbage

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