Friday, November 21, 2008

Individualism or Selfishism?

We have needs, and our needs are always the top priority. I deserve the attention, and I am oh so important. All the words that come out of my mouth is significant. I know everything, so I'm always right. Oh by the way, you're wrong. You may think you're smart, but I'm smarter.

me me me mememememememe.

No matter how grateful I am with the fact that Augsburg tries to be open and accepting to diversity, I can see how humanity's down fall can still come in the way of good intentions.
The need to be open minded and accepting is expected in this community, that the conservatives, "religious", and "strong opinionated" people are easily frowned upon.
So you think you're better just because you can be so open and accepting to diversity? you should think twice. Maybe try studying abroad through our exchange student programs. That'll probably teach you better ways to live what you preach.

Cabbage Wabbage

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