Sunday, November 9, 2008


From all that I've grown up to believe.
All that I thought I've seen.
Everything that my parents have taught me
the teachers and leaders of my country...

Stripped from myself
my joy, my feet, my land.

Why have I not seen this?
Is it pride that has lead me to think of such?
When we sing of the blood poured unto the grounds of this state...
for our sake,
for justice's sake,
for God's will,
how did we not learn to appreciate such a gift?
And now we burn the very grounds that were fought for us.
we belong to this land.
we live on this land.
we breathe on this land.
we find joy in this land.
So why are we destroying this land?

This thing they call citizenship,
I did not know this before,
but it is active.
it lives, it burns, it kills, it fights, it dies, and it revives...
but we do not see its moves.

for we are distracted...
from the "important" issues in life.

Cabbage Wabbage

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