Monday, May 26, 2008

My Little Shaker

The moment I saw him,
I knew he was different from the other babies that I've seen.

He is wise.
Although he has yet to speak.
He has a strong voice.
He cries till he gets his point across.

My little shaker.
Just a little shake
And his whole world becomes bright again.

He loves the sun,
which is not surprising.
Emeth Sun.

You have opened up my eyes.
Allowing me to understand that
I, Evelyn Tsen am just like the rest.

Cabbage Wabbage

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Is it about me or you?

Will this questioning ever end?
Lately I've been feeling as though everyone has been nothing but fakes.
Truly, there must be more to relationships besides taking advantage of one another.
I have always heard of the nice people that are only nice to earn your favor.
But I did not know these kinda people live so close to me.
Heck, I've been meeting quite a few of them lately.
and they happen to be people that I've once called "friends".
Friends that are only in it for the $$$ or sumthin.

Question: Why are we so desperate to have relationships?
Question: If we are desperate for relationships, how did we become so resistant against broken relationships?
Question, Question, QUESTIONS!!!
Are we having relationships in order to acknowledge and love the people around us? Or are we in relationships to fulfill our own needs?

Oh me, oh my...

Come to think of it, all the relationships that I've had in Malaysia no longer exist. There were no hurt feelings, no fights, no anger...
but there was just no more me in their lives, and no more them in my life.

Cabbage Wabbage

Thursday, May 22, 2008

New post?

Uncertain if I should be entering a new post, but I shall either way.

Summer is finally here, and it has been great.
I only wish it can be warmer.

June 1: I shall begin my research with URGO.
Thesis: Integrating the skills of singing, acting and movement on the operatic stage

What a big topic. I really hope I won't get lost in the midst of the research.

My parents are arriving from Malaysia today. It's been a year since I've seen both of them so this will be very interesting.

Oh the life of an international student!

Hope everyone's been doing great.

Cabbage Wabbage

Friday, May 2, 2008

The End?

It's the end of another year.
Again, time flew by without a warning.

Why is it still chilly out? Where is our sun?

My roommates are all out, leaving me alone in my room...contemplating the changes that I've struggled through this year.

Bitter sweet memories..
memories I wish to forget,
memories I wish to never let go.
All of them have constructed this great year that I've lived.

It's been nice Oren Gateway, but it's time for me to move on to a reality home.
No more luxurious facilities. No more super duper white painted walls.

Goodbye Seniors '08. I cannot imagine my college life without you guys being around next year.
It's been great comrades.

Choir concert tonight. And then a great tour beginning on Sunday all the way through May 14.

Now, back to packing.

Cabbage Wabbage