Friday, October 3, 2008

Failure leads to melancholy....

Which leads us right into avoidance of the risk to fail again.
So we begin investing all our energy and focus into a different/unchallenged/easier task.
By doing this, we will never realize the amount of potential that lies within each of us.

We may also be lead into anger and resentment towards the world.
We blame it all on (fate), the (punished) lives, the (unjust) God.

Anger and resentment towards the world does not give you an excuse to avoid yourself.

"Anxiety and fear of failure are often the source of self condemnation and the disapproval of others, both of which are severe blows to a self-worth based on personal success and approval. If failure is great enough or occurs often enough, it can harden into a negative self-concept in which we will expect to fail and virtually every endeavor. This negative self-concept perpetuates itself and lads to a downward spiral of anxiety about our performance and fear of disapproval from others."
-Robert McGee

More to come...

Cabbage Wabbage

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