Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Habit 2

Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind
In everything that you do, you must look at the bigger picture.
But in order to make the picture work you must appreciate the details of every parts of the picture--every stroke counts.

You must be your own. That is why self-awareness is such an important quality to have.
You must find your center. Your very center begins at the very center of your Circle of Influence.

When you are centered, you will find security, guidance, power, and wisdom in all that you do.
If your life principles are correct, nothing that happens can ever chance them.
Principles are truths that will run with exactness, consistency, beauty, and strength in life.
"The principles don't change; our understanding of them does."

When we have principles, we have a map to live our lives by.
This map will offer wisdom and guidance in the choices that we would make through out our lives.

More to come....

Cabbage Wabbage

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