Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More on Opera

Okay, so I guess it is true that the culture has everything to do with the shift in opera industry.
With opera being broad-casted on screen, singers must learn the techniques of looking great and convincing"realistic" in their performances.
The gap happens between these two pools of people in the industry.
Pool 1: People who expects to see real people with raw emotions on stage.
Pool 2: People who expects to hear good singing quality on stage.
Safe assumption: Majority opera listeners and watchers lie in Pool 1

In the end, what are the most important aspect in opera?
The voice of opera singers. We choose who we want to be on stage, without us, there can be no opera to perform.

So here's the industry complaining on one side about bad acting and ugly faces on stage, regardless the great singing.
While on the other side, the industry complains about the awful sound projection and horrible musical interpretation, regardless the great acting.

What is great singing and great acting combined?
As a singer, I know that my best performance happened when I was truly honest to myself.
It is vulnerability.
The willingness to share on stage.
When an artist is true to him or herself, it is only natural for him or her to want to be true to the music and the drama in opera.
It is our responsibility to get listeners to love what we do.
It is our responsibility to communicate the beauty of music through our instrument.
It is not about earning performance credits, and being a world known opera star.
It is about the purpose of our lives.
Because it means so much to us, we want other people to have a chance to feel the same way about music as well.

Cabbage Wabbage


Mismo's blogg show said...
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Mismo's blogg show said...

I believe that any type of fine art, not just opera, is like any other job when it comes down to emotions. So under those premises, an opera artists should be able to leave behind his or her feeling to get shit done on stage. Just like a person who is going through a break up is able to go take your order at McDonald's and smile at you. Hiding emotions is hard, but I am a stronge believer that emotions and work should not be mixed up.