Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Sunday!

It's been a grand week...
A few things:
1) After a horrible day singing in the church choir, I've decided that the end of my college life will mark the end of my choral career. I hate being and singing in choirs. I will never fit in. Nothing against choirs, but I am ready to be done. This leads to item...
2) I will never be chorus girl. I have decided that there will be no compromise, my first role in an opera production will be a lead role no matter what.
3) I have so much to work on as an opera singer. I've learned and seen so many new things in my journey as a singer this week. (thank you Giovanni, I will be forever grateful to you)
4) I have to start keeping my eyes out for more kind people and musicians like the ones I've met this week.

It's finally sunny out. I've been waiting for you Monsieur sun!!!

Cabbage Wabbage

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