Sunday, September 7, 2008

Honors Keystone

I'm loving my class.
I know some might think that it's a total bull shit, but it's actually furthering my perceptions in life.

We are reading Happiness (A History) by McMahon.
Lately, I've been reflecting on my past, comparing it to my present.
I am in complete odds with myself. And this book could not have passed my way at a better time.

I'm beginning to see that happiness comes within my choices.
I've always thought that I was cursed for life. I was born in the wrong family, with the wrong set of talents, mentality, and personality.
I'm not good at math.
I'm not exceptionally intelligent and studious.
I disagree with many of my family's religious standards.
Most of the time, I am unhappy with what I have, and what I have been given by God.
I find life confusing, and it ruptures beyond my control.

This Happy book showed me how I'm not alone.
And it suggests different ways for me to confront my "unhappiness".
It drives me to question more about my pursuit of happiness.

What does "happiness" mean?
Is it when you feel complete as a person?
Is it when you've finally achieved your personal goals?
Is it just a temporary "high"?
Can you make it last?
Or do you only crave for more after each happy moments?
Can you ever reach the purest true sense of happiness?

more to come!!

Cabbage Wabbage

1 comment:

Hang Pham said...

I cant believe you've ever had those thoughts. You are the most talented Asian girl with music I know. And you're so smart too. You got a lot of friends who cares for you. You're serious about ur work, but to hang out, you're very fun too. I love reading your blogs and how you carefully choose the perfect words to make some perfect sentences or poem. I'm not saying that so you feel better about yourself, but its true. I'd love to hear about that book more though, I think I kinda had to read something similar in my sophomore year.