Saturday, April 5, 2008


First recital of my own.
First Schubert club competition.
First Stuttgard auditions.

Wow. What a fruitful week it's been. I've learned much.
About life challenges, relationships, friendships, love and how evil people can be.

And of course...A LOT about music and my future expectations.

What else can I say?

It's been great. So wonderful, comforting, and blessed to know how caring and loving people can be.
Only if they choose to be.

I love you. Yes You!

Cabbage Wabbage

1 comment:

Listener said...

Aw, Ev! I guess you love everyone then!
Hmm. How evil CAN people be? I wonder because I had previously thought that no one could be evil for evil's sake. But maybe... some things seem to happen with no motivation at all...
I've addressed this in my blog, too, just recently.