Tuesday, April 22, 2008


"I'm ready for school to be over so I can actually begin to think about more important things in life."
"School means nothing more to me besides getting my degree."
"School is making me sick and depressed."

What a sad attitude students have about school these days.

I would be hypocritical to claim that I am no where near to that attitude.

But honestly, why are college students of our generation so turned off by school?

Is it because we are beginning to understand that we don't need qualifications to survive in this world?
Is it because we are exposed and encouraged to learn through experience rather than academia?
Is it because parents no longer care about their children's grade?
Is it because half the faculties, staffs, and proffesors are half assing their jobs?

Finals are coming up. Do I wanna work myself up and be the perfectionist that I am, or should I cut myself some slack and say Fuck It to all the unnecessary load of stress that school has placed upon my shoulder?

-Cabbage Wabbage

1 comment:

busterwife said...

i personally think the problem is that school has become primarily a competitive game of who can get the most "points". it would be better if it could become more about the experience of learning, growing, changing, challenging...

i think grad school is a bit better for that... but even then it's up to each individual to get the most out of the process.

the biggest problem is that there's just TOO MUCH to focus on at the same time (too many classes to take at one time). so you can't possibly "get the most out of the process". i hope you can manage all the work you have my dear! call if you need any encouragement. <3