Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Day

Why do I sing?
When I sing, I feel so close to God.
I cannot deny the perfection in music. How it can describe our world, our hearts and our minds so perfectly.
Why do I sing?
To empower hearts.
Why do I sing?
To share the beauty that I find in music--so that others may see and hear and know the perfect beauty that can never be distorted.
Why do I sing?
To understand more about my existence.
Why do I sing?
It is empowering. Each breath that I inhale is empowerment to my mind.

I cannot sing without being alive. I cannot be alive without singing.

Why do I sing?
For the simplicity.

The joy that one can find in the simplicity of great beauty.

Cabbage Wabbage

1 comment:

busterwife said...

you were made for His glory, my dear! congratulations on completing your recital. you sang beautifully. =)