Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Teacher

One who is wise.
One who is like a mother to me.
She is the one who nurtured my artistry.
She is the one who held my hand and told me that it's okay.
"It's okay to be weird."
"Evelyn, we are all crazy. But that's what makes us different--special and unique."

She is the one who gave me the permission to be my own.
She is the one who opened new doors in my life.
May it be the doors of my dark past.
Or doors to the higher and better place.
She will walk by me, and carry me through all of them.

My teacher is a badass.
She kicks butt.
And tells me that I can do the same.

Her elegance makes the weak fear her.
Her strength scares the evil.
And she walks her religion.
She lived and now preaches the life of a great artist.
She is who is.

She will forever be the true Diva in my eyes.

Thank you Audrey Stottler.

Cabbage Wabbage

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