Thursday, June 5, 2008


2-5Pm: Read opera summary and Listened to recording
5Pm-7Pm: Reading
8Pm-10Pm: Understanding Character

Ostwald Chapter 2
"Describing the Character's Story" Method:
Objective: Understanding my reality and Juliet

When are the events taking place?
14th Century, the height of Verona's political and artistic prominence
Juliet is 13 yeas old. The beginning of her adolescent years

Where is my character?
Verona, in the property of Lord Capulet her father, who is an enemy of Lord Montague, Romeo's father.

Who is my character?
She is the beautiful daughter of the Capulet. Her beginning of adolescence--desiring to be loved. Passionate, wishing that she can soon understand the meaning behind love. She is very protected: she has a father who controls her decisions, a nurse who babysits her, cousins who are aggressively protective to their family's honor.

What does my character want?
In this particular scene, she wants to drink the potion. Drunken by her romance with dear Romeo, her mind is consumed with desperation of wanting to be with him.

What has just happened?
Friar Lawrence has just given her the potion that will poison her to unconsciousness on the day which she would be betrothed to Count Paris. By the end of this scene, she drinks the potion.

Why does she want it?
She is in love with Romeo. She is naive and passionate.

***Question: Does she have fear in her musical lines? Is she merely a follower?

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