Sunday, August 3, 2008

Super Robot Omega Destructo Team Gamma 7

Japanese anime and their ridiculously hillarious title.
No no no, let's talk Twinkies. Yes, and then...
do you know what happens if you microwave a twinkie.
The thing is, if you cover up the three little holes at the bottom.
The Twinkie cream will slowly expand...and in about 3 mins, it will explode!
However, if you take it out in like 2 mins and 30 secs...something like that,
you can set it out ...right...
and it will explode too! in a couple mins it will explode, but the explosion won't be as big.
Also if you microwave most plants it will explode in the fire...
especially dried peppers, i think...
one time, i took like half a bell pepper, like the totally none spicy kind,
and even though it wasn't spicy, it blew up if you microwaved it.
So like, if you get the super spicy one, you can totally microwave it and it will SPLODE in that lil box!!
Also, most horses are afraid of fish.
So, if you like throw a fish at a horse, it will totally run!
Coz this one time, I totally threw a fish at a horse at my grandpa's farm...
and it totally ran into a whole bunch of horses and it all like went crazy and ran into a corner and like 3 of them died...DUDE....
Also, did you know that committing arson...this one time i was at a gas station, and I got gas in a cup and light it on fire, and it totally burnt down the cereal section.
The guy was totally pissed but he didn't know it was me...which is why that other dood went into jail.....

Cabbage Wabbage

1 comment:

YeeLing said...

hmmm i'm starting to have a feeling that jiesling didn't write this... if you did, you might just be in a really weird mood. or writing about another person's life? meh~ haha =_=;?!

grandpa? O-o