Monday, February 2, 2009


The production was great. The play wright was definitely not my favorite. Too much whining and questioning.
Sometimes, what you have to do is not be like one of Samuel Beckett's characters and be more practical.
Let's not just sit and whine about questions that can never be answered in life.

Sometimes, you really just gotta get up and do shit. Even if you think it might just mean shit, you just gotta do it.
Life is not meant to be figured out right away.
You learn and let the process happen.

Props to the great acting. I am so impressed by the ownerships that the actors have in their stylized acting. Really great job!

It's too bad that I have to write a 3 page paper on this play. Well, I must retrieve now. I have two quizzes tomorrow and 2 chapters to catch up with.

Cabbage Wabbage

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