Thursday, February 5, 2009

Roommate Meeting

For those who have issues with their roommies: Make sure to have a meeting.
Don't dwell in your anger till it's too late.
Don't be passively aggressive (that'll only make things worse)
Don't say "it's ok" when things are clearly NOT ok.
No fake smiles or "how are you?"s like you really give a damn.

Just sit and have a meeting with them.
Make sure that there are no misunderstandings.
Make sure that both sides are clear with the problem.
Make sure that both sides have their chances to explain.
There are no such thing as "it's too late".

For those of you who have cleaning problems with your roommies, here's a solution:
Make a chart, a grid, a schedule...SOMETHING so everyone gets a fair share of cleaning.
Make sure everyone knows what they're responsible for cleaning each week.

For those of you who have problems with the parties:
Make sure to let your roommate know that you are not happy with parties that consist of strangers and drunkards and underage drinkers.
Don't wait till the end. Sometimes, people are not as inconsiderate and selfish as you think they are.
You'd be surprised by their reaction to your honesty.

For those of you who have problems with the fridge:
Delegate that fridge.
Each roommate gets a section of the fridge. And then, make a communal section of condiments for all to use.

For personality issues:
Talk it through. Maybe things can work out and friendships can be mended.
If not, MOVE OUT before you ruin the friendship and yourself completely!

With love,
Cabbage Wabbage

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