Thursday, February 19, 2009

Joe Turner's Come and Gone

This is my favourite part of the entire play...

Bynum: I can tell from looking at you. My daddy taught me how to do that. Say when you look at a fellow, if you taught yourself to look for it, you can see his song written on him. Tell you what kind of man he is in this world. Now I can look at you, Mr. Loomis, and see you a man who done forgot his song. Forgot how to sing it. A fellow forget that and he forget who he is. Forget how he's suppose to mark down life. Just like you, Mr. Loomis, I didn't know what I was searching for. The only thing I knew was something was keeping me dissatisfied. Something wasn't making my heart smooth and easy. Then one day my daddy gave me a song. That song had a weight that was hard to carry. I fought against it. Didn't want to accept that song. I tried to find my daddy to give him back the song. But it wasn't his song. It was my song. It had come from way deep inside me. That song helped me on the road. Made it smooth to where my footsteps didn't bite back at me. All the time that song was getting bigger and bigger. That song growing with each step on the road. I used all of myself up in making that song. Then I was the song in search of itself. See, Mr Loomis, when a man forgets his song he goes off in search of it. Till he finds out he's got it with him all the time.

Cabbage Wabbage

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